Note that these instructions will be updated based on participants' feedback.
Last update: Mon Jul 1 07:08:30 2019
Participants are required to bring their own laptop with R version 3.6.0 or greater. We also recommend to also install the latest version of RStudio.
Please make sure that your computer’s hardware is sufficiently powered (>4 GB RAM, > 2 GB free disk space), that you have a working wireless card, and that you have administrator rights.
To install all requirements, please copy and paste this line of code in your R console.
The whole installation can take some time, if many of the required
packages aren't already installed. At the end, you should see a
Success! message, indicating that all dependencies are installed and
up-to-date, and you will also have the
files in your working directory.
The rest of this page describes the content of the installation script executed with the above line. It is given for information. In case of installation issues, check you internet connection and try to run the script a second time. If problems persist, please send your questions to the summer school mailing list, or try to execute the installation steps below one by one.
message("* Checking R version.")
## * Checking R version.
stopifnot(base::version$major == "3")
stopifnot(base::version$minor >= "6.0")
We are going to user the BiocManager
package to install all other
packages from the CRAN
and Bioconductor
repositories. Let's start
by installing BiocManager
if it's not already available:
message("* Installing BiocManager.")
## * Installing BiocManager.
if (!require("BiocManager"))
## Loading required package: BiocManager
Below is a vector containing the names of all required packages:
pkgs <- c("rjson", "shinydashboard", "shiny", "shinyjs",
"shinythemes", "shinyFiles", "openxlsx", "statOmics/MSqRob",
"iSEE", "SummarizedExperiment", "SingleCellExperiment",
"tximeta", "", "DESeq2", "edgeR", "pheatmap",
"rmdformats", "apeglm", "lme4", "tidyverse", "rmarkdown",
"Biobase", "DT", "fdrtool", "graphics", "grDevices",
"limma", "MASS", "Matrix", "methods", "MSnbase", "numDeriv",
"openxlsx", "plyr", "preprocessCore", "statmod", "msdata",
"svDialogs", "utils", "vsn", "miniUI", "htmltools", "mzR",
"ProtGenerics", "BiocParallel", "snow", "httpuv", "xtable",
"htmlwidgets", "colorspace", "RColorBrewer", "dichromat",
"munsell", "labeling", "affyio", "zlibbioc", "doParallel",
"gtable", "scales", "tibble", "lazyeval", "reshape2",
"affy", "impute", "pcaMethods", "mzID", "MALDIquant",
"ggplot2", "XML", "minqa", "nloptr", "magrittr", "yaml",
"stringr", "stringi", "foreach", "iterators", "Rcpp",
"BiocGenerics", "BiocManager", "biomaRt", "Biostrings",
"BSgenome", "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38", "ggbeeswarm",
"ISLR", "ca", "class", "curatedTCGAData", "dplyr",
"EnrichmentBrowser", "GenomicAlignments", "GenomicFeatures",
"GenomicRanges", "ggplot2", "GO.db", "IRanges", "KEGGREST",
"MultiAssayExperiment", "", "rtracklayer",
"limma", "SingleCellExperiment", "SummarizedExperiment",
"tibble", "tidyr", "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene")
pkgs <- sort(unique(pkgs))
## [1] "affy"
## [2] "affyio"
## [3] "apeglm"
## [4] "Biobase"
## [5] "BiocGenerics"
## [6] "BiocManager"
## [7] "BiocParallel"
## [8] "biomaRt"
## [9] "Biostrings"
## [10] "BSgenome"
## [11] "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38"
## [12] "ca"
## [13] "class"
## [14] "colorspace"
## [15] "curatedTCGAData"
## [16] "DESeq2"
## [17] "dichromat"
## [18] "doParallel"
## [19] "dplyr"
## [20] "DT"
## [21] "edgeR"
## [22] "EnrichmentBrowser"
## [23] "fdrtool"
## [24] "foreach"
## [25] "GenomicAlignments"
## [26] "GenomicFeatures"
## [27] "GenomicRanges"
## [28] "ggbeeswarm"
## [29] "ggplot2"
## [30] "GO.db"
## [31] "graphics"
## [32] "grDevices"
## [33] "gtable"
## [34] "htmltools"
## [35] "htmlwidgets"
## [36] "httpuv"
## [37] "impute"
## [38] "IRanges"
## [39] "iSEE"
## [40] "ISLR"
## [41] "iterators"
## [42] "KEGGREST"
## [43] "labeling"
## [44] "lazyeval"
## [45] "limma"
## [46] "lme4"
## [47] "magrittr"
## [48] "MALDIquant"
## [49] "MASS"
## [50] "Matrix"
## [51] "methods"
## [52] "miniUI"
## [53] "minqa"
## [54] "msdata"
## [55] "MSnbase"
## [56] "MultiAssayExperiment"
## [57] "munsell"
## [58] "mzID"
## [59] "mzR"
## [60] "nloptr"
## [61] "numDeriv"
## [62] "openxlsx"
## [63] ""
## [64] "pcaMethods"
## [65] "pheatmap"
## [66] "plyr"
## [67] "preprocessCore"
## [68] "ProtGenerics"
## [69] "RColorBrewer"
## [70] "Rcpp"
## [71] "reshape2"
## [72] "rjson"
## [73] "rmarkdown"
## [74] "rmdformats"
## [75] "rtracklayer"
## [76] "scales"
## [77] "shiny"
## [78] "shinydashboard"
## [79] "shinyFiles"
## [80] "shinyjs"
## [81] "shinythemes"
## [82] "SingleCellExperiment"
## [83] "snow"
## [84] "statmod"
## [85] "statOmics/MSqRob"
## [86] "stringi"
## [87] "stringr"
## [88] "SummarizedExperiment"
## [89] "svDialogs"
## [90] "tibble"
## [91] "tidyr"
## [92] "tidyverse"
## [93] "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene"
## [94] "tximeta"
## [95] "utils"
## [96] "vsn"
## [97] "XML"
## [98] "xtable"
## [99] "yaml"
## [100] "zlibbioc"
We first check which packages are already available, update all old packages with the latest available versions and proceed with the installation of packages that aren't installed yet.
message("* Installing packages.")
## * Installing packages.
ip <- rownames(installed.packages())
pkgs_to_install <- pkgs[which(!sub("^.+/", "", pkgs) %in% ip)]
BiocManager::install(pkgs_to_install, update = TRUE, ask = FALSE, upgrade = 'always')
## Bioconductor version 3.9 (BiocManager 1.30.4), R 3.6.0 RC (2019-04-21
## r76417)
file contains data that will be used during the RNASeq sessions. It can
be downloaded from R in the working directory with:
message("* Downloading data.")
## * Downloading data.
download.file("", "")
download.file("", "")
If you see the following message in your console, it means you have successfully installed all requirements.
message("* Success!")
## * Success!
Back to the summer school page.