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A function that uses expression data from CCLE cell lines and highlights genes correlated (or anti-correlated) with specified CT gene. Genes with a correlation coefficient above threshold are colored in red if they are CT genes or in blue, if not.


CT_correlated_genes(gene, corr_thr = 0.5, values_only = FALSE)



CT gene selected


numeric(1) with default 0.5. Genes with an absolute correlation coefficient (Pearson) higher than this threshold will be highlighted.


logical(1), FALSE by default. If TRUE, the function will return the correlation coefficients with all genes instead of the plot.


A plot where each dots represent the correlation coefficients (Pearson) between genes and the specified CT gene (entered as input). Genes with a correlation coefficient above threshold are colored in red if they are CT genes or in blue, if not. If values_only = TRUE, all correlations coefficients are returned instead.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
CT_correlated_genes(gene = "MAGEA3")
} # }