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Plots a heatmap of normalised gene counts (log-transformed) in a selection of cells treated or not by 5-Aza-2'-Deoxycytidine (DAC), a demethylating agent.


  genes = NULL,
  multimapping = TRUE,
  include_CTP = FALSE,
  values_only = FALSE



character naming the selected genes. The default value, NULL, takes all CT specific genes.


logical(1) defining whether to use multi-mapped gene expression dataset CTdata::DAC_treated_cells_multimapping or DAC_treated_cells. Default is TRUE.


logical(1) If TRUE, CTP genes are included. (FALSE by default).


logical(1). If TRUE, the function will return the gene normalised logcounts in all samples instead of the heatmap. Default is FALSE.


A heatmap of selected genes in cells treated or not by a demethylating agent. If values_only is TRUE, gene normalised logcounts are returned instead.


RNAseq data from cells treated or not with 5-aza downloaded from SRA. (SRA references and information about cell lines and DAC treatment are stored the colData of DAC_treated_cells). Data was processed using a standard RNAseq pipeline. hisat2 was used to align reads to grch38 genome. featurecounts was used to assign reads to genes. Note that -M parameter was used or not to allow or not counting multi-mapping reads.


DAC_induction(genes = c("MAGEA1", "MAGEA3", "MAGEA4", "MAGEA6", "CTAG1A"))
#> see ?CTdata and browseVignettes('CTdata') for documentation
#> loading from cache

DAC_induction(genes = c("MAGEA1", "MAGEA3", "MAGEA4", "MAGEA6", "CTAG1A",
    multimapping = FALSE))
#> see ?CTdata and browseVignettes('CTdata') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> Warning: 1 out of 6 names invalid: FALSE.
#> See the manual page for valid types.