interactive visualization of flow cytometry data analysis pipeline objects stored in cache

CytoPipelineCheckApp(dir = ".", debug = FALSE)



the root directory into which the engine will look for existing CytoPipeline experiments


if TRUE, will output messages on the console tracking the shiny events, for debugging purposes


no return value


# run CytoPipeline object first

outputDir <- base::tempdir()

rawDataDir <-
    system.file("extdata", package = "CytoPipeline")
experimentName <- "OMIP021_PeacoQC"
sampleFiles <- 
            pattern = "Donor"))
jsonDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "CytoPipeline")
jsonPath <- file.path(jsonDir, "pipelineParams.json")

pipL2 <- CytoPipeline(
    experimentName = experimentName,
    sampleFiles = sampleFiles)

    rmCache = TRUE,
    path = outputDir))
#> #####################################################
#> ### running SCALE TRANSFORMATION processing steps ###
#> #####################################################
#> Proceeding with step 1 [flowframe_read] ...
#> Proceeding with step 2 [remove_margins] ...
#> Removing margins from file : Donor1.fcs
#> Removing margins from file : Donor2.fcs
#> Proceeding with step 3 [compensate] ...
#> Compensating file : Donor1.fcs
#> Compensating file : Donor2.fcs
#> Proceeding with step 4 [flowframe_aggregate] ...
#> Proceeding with step 5 [scale_transform_estimate] ...
#> #####################################################
#> ### NOW PRE-PROCESSING FILE /__w/_temp/Library/CytoPipeline/extdata/Donor1.fcs...
#> #####################################################
#> Proceeding with step 1 [flowframe_read] ...
#> Proceeding with step 2 [remove_margins] ...
#> Removing margins from file : Donor1.fcs
#> Proceeding with step 3 [compensate] ...
#> Compensating file : Donor1.fcs
#> Proceeding with step 4 [remove_doublets] ...
#> Proceeding with step 5 [remove_debris] ...
#> Proceeding with step 6 [remove_dead_cells] ...
#> Proceeding with step 7 [perform_QC] ...
#> Applying PeacoQC method...
#> Starting quality control analysis for Donor1.fcs
#> Calculating peaks
#> MAD analysis removed 30.75% of the measurements
#> The algorithm removed 30.75% of the measurements
#> Proceeding with step 8 [transform] ...
#> #####################################################
#> ### NOW PRE-PROCESSING FILE /__w/_temp/Library/CytoPipeline/extdata/Donor2.fcs...
#> #####################################################
#> Proceeding with step 1 [flowframe_read] ...
#> Proceeding with step 2 [remove_margins] ...
#> Removing margins from file : Donor2.fcs
#> Proceeding with step 3 [compensate] ...
#> Compensating file : Donor2.fcs
#> Proceeding with step 4 [remove_doublets] ...
#> Proceeding with step 5 [remove_debris] ...
#> Proceeding with step 6 [remove_dead_cells] ...
#> Proceeding with step 7 [perform_QC] ...
#> Applying PeacoQC method...
#> Starting quality control analysis for Donor2.fcs
#> Calculating peaks
#> MAD analysis removed 24.38% of the measurements
#> The algorithm removed 24.38% of the measurements
#> Proceeding with step 8 [transform] ...

# run shiny app

if (interactive())
    CytoPipelineCheckApp(dir = outputDir)