remove margin events, using flowAI
wrapper around flowAI::flow_auto_qc(), with inputs directed towards specifically remove the margin events. In the current implementation, all the signal channels, i.e. both scatter and fluo channels are scanned.
rawDataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "CytoPipeline")
sampleFiles <-
file.path(rawDataDir, list.files(rawDataDir, pattern = "Donor"))
truncateMaxRange <- FALSE
minLimit <- NULL
# create flowCore::flowSet with all samples of a dataset
fsRaw <- readSampleFiles(
sampleFiles = sampleFiles,
whichSamples = "all",
truncate_max_range = truncateMaxRange,
min.limit = minLimit)
ff_m <- removeMarginsFlowAI(x = fsRaw[[2]])
#> Quality control for the file: Donor2
#> 10.44% of anomalous cells detected in the flow rate check.
#> 0% of anomalous cells detected in signal acquisition check.
#> 0.1% of anomalous cells detected in the dynamic range check.