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Two tibbles are provided that give access to DepMap data, as shared by the Broad Institute's DepMap project on Figshare (

- The [dmsets()] function returns a tibble with DepMap datasets. Each dataset is described by its title, its unique identifier, the number of files it contains, the Figshare URL, and a `DepMapDataset` object that contains further details of the dataset.

- The [dmfiles()] function returns a tibble with DepMap files. Each file is described by its dataset identifier, its own unique identifier, its name, size (in bytes), a download URL, md5 hash and mime type.

- Depmap data files can be downloaded with the [dmget()] function, that takes as input a tibble or data.frame of depmap files such as `dmfiles`. Files are downloaded and automatically in the package's central cache. See [dmCache()].







dmget(dmtab, cache = dmCache())





`numeric()` with one or multiple DepMap dataset identifier(s). Note that `id` is converted to an integer. Missing values are not permitted.


either an `numeric()` that will be passed to `DepMapDataset` or an instance (or list of) `DepMapDataset`.


an instance of class `DepMapDataset`.


A `tibble` or `data.frame` containing the file to be downloaded, such as [dmfiles()], or created by [DepMapFiles()]. If is expected to contain the `"name"`, `"id"` and `"dowload_url"` variables.


Object of class [BiocFileCache()]. Default is to use the central `depmap` cache returned by [dmCache()], but users can use their own cache.


The `DepMapDataset` class stores the informtion describing a depmap dataset, as stored on Figshare (articles, as it's called there). The [DepMapDataset()] constructor requires one or multiple dataset identifiers and returns one or a list of instances.

The following accessors are available: - [dmFileNames()] returns the dataset's filenames. - [dmTitle()] returns the dataset's title. - [dmNumFiles()] returns the number of files in the dataset.

(These are used to construct the main depmap dataset tibble.)

A tibble describing the files in depmap dataset can be cretated with the [DepMapFiles()] function. It either takes one or multiple dataset idenifiers, or one or a list of `DepMapDataset` instances

The [DepMapDataset()] and [DepMapFiles()] functions are mostly used internally, to create the `dmsets` and `dmfiles` tibbles. If a more recent dataset is available on Figshare and not (yet) in the `depmap` package, a user might create the depmap files table to download the files, and/or open a [GitHub issue]( for the new data to be added by the maintainer(s).

All the information is retrieved from Figshare using their API, as described at

Adding new datasets

Adding new datasets is simple. Once a new dataset (or Article, as called on Figshare) has been identified on the Broad Institute's [DepMap project on Figshare](, one needs to add the dataset's URL to the `depmapURLs` vector in [`inst/extdata/make-dmfiles.R`](, and re-run the script to update the `dmsets.rds.` and `dmfiles.rds` files in `inst/extdata`.

Feel free to send a GitHub pull request or open a [GitHub issue]( for the new data to be added by the maintainer(s).


Laurent Gatto


## The depmap datasets
#> function () 
#> readRDS(dir(system.file("extdata", package = "depmap"), pattern = "dmsets.rds", 
#>     full.names = TRUE))
#> <bytecode: 0x55659413c4f0>
#> <environment: namespace:depmap>

## The depmap files
#> function () 
#> readRDS(dir(system.file("extdata", package = "depmap"), pattern = "dmfiles.rds", 
#>     full.names = TRUE))
#> <bytecode: 0x55659448fb40>
#> <environment: namespace:depmap>

## Mostly for internal use, or to update/generate the depmap
## dataset and files tables.

## One dataset identifier: 24667905
my_dmset <- DepMapDataset(24667905)
#> Title: DepMap 23Q4 Public 
#> Id: 24667905 
#> License: CC BY 4.0 
#> Use `DepMapFiles()` to list 56 files

## Multiple dataset identifiers
my_dmsets <- DepMapDataset(c(24667905, 22765112))
#> [[1]]
#> Title: DepMap 23Q4 Public 
#> Id: 24667905 
#> License: CC BY 4.0 
#> Use `DepMapFiles()` to list 56 files
#> [[2]]
#> Title: DepMap 23Q2 Public 
#> Id: 22765112 
#> License: CC BY 4.0 
#> Use `DepMapFiles()` to list 52 files

## Create the files table from one or dataset multiple dataset
## identifiers

#> # A tibble: 56 × 7
#>    dataset_id       id name                     size download_url md5   mimetype
#>         <int>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl> <chr>        <chr> <chr>   
#>  1   24667905 43347678 README.txt             2.91e4 https://ndo… 4d2d… text/pl…
#>  2   24667905 43346361 AchillesCommonEssenti… 1.70e4 https://ndo… 1cbf… text/pl…
#>  3   24667905 43346367 AchillesHighVarianceG… 7.07e3 https://ndo… 3ac0… text/pl…
#>  4   24667905 43346370 AchillesNonessentialC… 1.15e4 https://ndo… 9b21… text/pl…
#>  5   24667905 43346379 AchillesScreenQCRepor… 3.16e5 https://ndo… c5dd… text/pl…
#>  6   24667905 43346382 AchillesSequenceQCRep… 4.37e5 https://ndo… 6ade… text/pl…
#>  7   24667905 43346391 AvanaGuideMap.csv      1.60e7 https://ndo… b694… text/pl…
#>  8   24667905 43346409 AvanaLogfoldChange.csv 3.17e9 https://ndo… 58b1… text/pl…
#>  9   24667905 43346505 AvanaRawReadcounts.csv 9.70e8 https://ndo… a7b5… text/pl…
#> 10   24667905 43346574 CRISPRGeneDependency.… 3.94e8 https://ndo… b581… text/pl…
#> # ℹ 46 more rows
#> # A tibble: 56 × 7
#>    dataset_id       id name                     size download_url md5   mimetype
#>         <int>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl> <chr>        <chr> <chr>   
#>  1   24667905 43347678 README.txt             2.91e4 https://ndo… 4d2d… text/pl…
#>  2   24667905 43346361 AchillesCommonEssenti… 1.70e4 https://ndo… 1cbf… text/pl…
#>  3   24667905 43346367 AchillesHighVarianceG… 7.07e3 https://ndo… 3ac0… text/pl…
#>  4   24667905 43346370 AchillesNonessentialC… 1.15e4 https://ndo… 9b21… text/pl…
#>  5   24667905 43346379 AchillesScreenQCRepor… 3.16e5 https://ndo… c5dd… text/pl…
#>  6   24667905 43346382 AchillesSequenceQCRep… 4.37e5 https://ndo… 6ade… text/pl…
#>  7   24667905 43346391 AvanaGuideMap.csv      1.60e7 https://ndo… b694… text/pl…
#>  8   24667905 43346409 AvanaLogfoldChange.csv 3.17e9 https://ndo… 58b1… text/pl…
#>  9   24667905 43346505 AvanaRawReadcounts.csv 9.70e8 https://ndo… a7b5… text/pl…
#> 10   24667905 43346574 CRISPRGeneDependency.… 3.94e8 https://ndo… b581… text/pl…
#> # ℹ 46 more rows

DepMapFiles(c(24667905, 22765112))
#> # A tibble: 108 × 7
#>    dataset_id       id name                     size download_url md5   mimetype
#>         <int>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl> <chr>        <chr> <chr>   
#>  1   24667905 43347678 README.txt             2.91e4 https://ndo… 4d2d… text/pl…
#>  2   24667905 43346361 AchillesCommonEssenti… 1.70e4 https://ndo… 1cbf… text/pl…
#>  3   24667905 43346367 AchillesHighVarianceG… 7.07e3 https://ndo… 3ac0… text/pl…
#>  4   24667905 43346370 AchillesNonessentialC… 1.15e4 https://ndo… 9b21… text/pl…
#>  5   24667905 43346379 AchillesScreenQCRepor… 3.16e5 https://ndo… c5dd… text/pl…
#>  6   24667905 43346382 AchillesSequenceQCRep… 4.37e5 https://ndo… 6ade… text/pl…
#>  7   24667905 43346391 AvanaGuideMap.csv      1.60e7 https://ndo… b694… text/pl…
#>  8   24667905 43346409 AvanaLogfoldChange.csv 3.17e9 https://ndo… 58b1… text/pl…
#>  9   24667905 43346505 AvanaRawReadcounts.csv 9.70e8 https://ndo… a7b5… text/pl…
#> 10   24667905 43346574 CRISPRGeneDependency.… 3.94e8 https://ndo… b581… text/pl…
#> # ℹ 98 more rows
#> # A tibble: 108 × 7
#>    dataset_id       id name                     size download_url md5   mimetype
#>         <int>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl> <chr>        <chr> <chr>   
#>  1   24667905 43347678 README.txt             2.91e4 https://ndo… 4d2d… text/pl…
#>  2   24667905 43346361 AchillesCommonEssenti… 1.70e4 https://ndo… 1cbf… text/pl…
#>  3   24667905 43346367 AchillesHighVarianceG… 7.07e3 https://ndo… 3ac0… text/pl…
#>  4   24667905 43346370 AchillesNonessentialC… 1.15e4 https://ndo… 9b21… text/pl…
#>  5   24667905 43346379 AchillesScreenQCRepor… 3.16e5 https://ndo… c5dd… text/pl…
#>  6   24667905 43346382 AchillesSequenceQCRep… 4.37e5 https://ndo… 6ade… text/pl…
#>  7   24667905 43346391 AvanaGuideMap.csv      1.60e7 https://ndo… b694… text/pl…
#>  8   24667905 43346409 AvanaLogfoldChange.csv 3.17e9 https://ndo… 58b1… text/pl…
#>  9   24667905 43346505 AvanaRawReadcounts.csv 9.70e8 https://ndo… a7b5… text/pl…
#> 10   24667905 43346574 CRISPRGeneDependency.… 3.94e8 https://ndo… b581… text/pl…
#> # ℹ 98 more rows