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rWSBIM1207 0.1

Changes in version 0.1.19

  • Add faillites data.

Changes in version 0.1.18

  • Add TidyTuesday’s Enlgish education data and Valentine’s data.

Changes in version 0.1.17

  • Add population data

Changes in version 0.1.16

  • Add road accident data (from

Changes in version 0.1.15

  • Add GSE96870 data, as prepared in bioconductor-teaching (see ?GSE96870 for details).

Changes in version 0.1.14

  • Update covid and apple mobility data. <2021-08-20 Fri>

Changes in version 0.1.13

  • Update COVID19 data <2021-06-02 Wed>

Changes in version 0.1.12

  • Add Apple mobility data <2020-06-16 Tue>
  • Add new covid data (cases, deaths and recovered) <2020-06-16 Tue>
  • Add load_exam_data() function <2020-06-16 Tue>

Changes in version 0.1.11

  • Intermediate version to test new installation.

Changes in version 0.1.10

  • Adding COVID-19 data <2020-03-21 Sat>

Changes in version 0.1.9

  • New interros2.rda file <2019-09-23 Mon>

Changes in version 0.1.8

  • Additionnal kem_counts3.tsv data files. <2019-08-26 Mon>

Changes in version 0.1.7

  • Remove superflous columns in kem_counts2.tsv <2019-08-24 Sat>

Changes in version 0.1.6

  • Additionnal beers2.csv and kem_counts2.tsv data files. <2019-05-24 Fri>

Changes in version 0.1.5

  • A new KEM RNA-Seq data <2019-04-02 Tue>

Changes in version 0.1.4

  • New mvylng data, taken from pRolocdata’s mulvey2015 and converted into a long format <2019-03-26 Tue>
  • Add interroC and interroL data files <2019-03-27 Wed>

Changes in version 0.1.3

  • Add expressions.csv returning the paths to individual gene expression data (based on expression) <2019-03-10 Sun>
  • Add peptide vector <2019-03-10 Sun>
  • More imports to suggest (see #3) <2019-03-04 Mon>

Changes in version 0.1.2

  • Add interro csv files <2019-02-27 Wed>

Changes in version 0.1.1

  • Add the beers data and source file <2019-02-11 Mon>
  • Add the clinical data and source file <2019-02-11 Mon>
  • Add a function to get the package version <2019-02-12 Tue>

Changes in version 0.1.0

  • Add jdf data to illustrate join operations <2019-01-29 Tue>
  • Initial release