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`interroA.csv` and `interroB.csv` are two comme-separated spreadsheets that provide made-up data about student test restults.

A data frame with 100 observations on the following 8 variables.


student identifer.


student heights (in cm).


F or M.


a vector of random data drawn from N(0, 1).


a numeric vector with test scores.


a numeric vector with test scores.


a numeric vector with test scores.


a numeric vector with test scores.

The `interroC` data contains results for results for 3 new tests for 15 students, including a subset of students in `interroA`.

`interroL` is a long format containing all results from `interroA` and `interroB`.


f <- interroA.csv()
interroA <- read.csv(f)
#>       id height gender          X interro1 interro2 interro3 interro4
#> 1 A74890    168      M  1.4304023       16       18        7       10
#> 2 A85494    167      M  1.0466288       15       18       13       NA
#> 3 A51820    166      M  0.4352889        4       10       NA        7
#> 4 A98669    164      M  0.7151784       15       15       18       13
#> 5 A75521    171      M  0.9171749       18       10       17       NA
#> 6 A96704    178      F -2.6609228       11       20       14       17

f2 <- interro2.rds()
#>            noma interro1 interro2 interro3 interro4
#> 1  836016120449        6        3       NA        3
#> 2  596844884419        1        4        2        8
#> 3  803259953398        2        2        9        1
#> 4  658786759629        3        1        3        2
#> 5  571155022756        4        9        1        4
#> 6  576037886365        8        7        8        7
#> 7  045086625199        9        6        7        6
#> 8  621909979467        5        8        4        5
#> 9  457029205538        7        5        6        9
#> 10 402526220817       NA       10        5       10