DistSum class to store distance matrices computed as the sum of marker contributions
ggplotDistFeatureImportance() now can be used to create a stacked bar ggplot object, displaying feature importance in a distance matrix (extracted from a DistSum object)
refactored the pairwise distance calculation code, by pre-computing the unidimensional histograms and store them instead of recalculating them each time a distance between 2 samples is calculated. This improves CPU time and memory consumption.
CytoMDS 0.99.6
added subset argument in ggplotSampleMDS() and ggplotSampleMDSWrapBiplots
in pairwiseEMDDist(), added support for BiocParallel, and allowed for not loading the whole flowSet in memory at once.
CytoMDS 0.99.4
in getPairwiseEMDDist(), added a second flowSet argument. When the two flowSet arguments are non-null, distances are calculated for all sample pairs, where the first element comes from fs, and the second element comes from fs2.
renamed ggplotSamplesMDS into ggplotSampleMDS
renamed ggplotSamplesMDSShepard into ggplotSampleMDSShepard
renamed getChannelsSummaryStat into getChannelSummaryStats
new version of computeMetricMDS() which automatically sets the number of dimensions to reach a target pseudo R squared
added ggplotly() functionality for output MDS plots
in ggplotSampleMDS(), added flipXAxis, flipYAxis to possibly ease low dimensional projection comparisons
in ggplotSampleMDS(), added displayArrowLabels to discard the arrow labels in biplot. Also added arrowThreshold. Moved arrow labels toward the end of the arrows.