functions to export CytoPipeline objects in various formats
: exports a CytoPipeline object to a JSON file (writing the file = side effect)
outputDir <- base::tempdir()
rawDataDir <-
system.file("extdata", package = "CytoPipeline")
experimentName <- "OMIP021_PeacoQC"
sampleFiles <- file.path(rawDataDir, list.files(rawDataDir,
pattern = "Donor"))
# build CytoPipeline object using json input
jsonPath <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package = "CytoPipeline"),
pipL <- CytoPipeline(jsonPath,
experimentName = experimentName,
sampleFiles = sampleFiles)
# remove the last pre-processing step
nPreProcessing <- getNbProcessingSteps(pipL, whichQueue = "pre-processing")
pipL <- removeProcessingStep(pipL, whichQueue = "pre-processing",
index = nPreProcessing)
# export back to json file
export2JSONFile(pipL, path = file.path(outputDir, "newFile.json"))