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Multi-dimensional scaling projection of samples, using a distance matrix as an input. The MDS algorithm is not the classical MDS (cmdscale alike, aka Torgerson's algorithm), but is the SMACOF algorithm for metric distances that are not necessarily euclidean. After having obtained the projections on the nDim dimensions, we always apply svd decomposition to visualize as first axes the ones that contain the most variance of the projected dataset in nDim dimensions. Instead of being provided directly by the user, the nDim parameter can otherwise be found iteratively by finding the minimum nDim parameter that allows the projection to reach a target pseudo RSquare. If this is the case, the maxDim parameter is used to avoid looking for too big projection spaces.


  whichChannels = NULL,
  nDim = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  targetPseudoRSq = 0.95,
  maxDim = 128,



(nSamples rows, nSamples columns), previously calculated pairwise distances between samples, can be provided as :

  • a DistSum object

  • a dist object

  • a full symmetric square matrix, with 0. diagonal


if pwDist has been provided as a DistSum object, a vector of channels to be included in the distances. In that case the distances have been computed as a sum of unidimensional distances for each channel, and the DistSum object allows to restrict the channel sets to be included in the distance accounting


number of dimensions of projection, as input to SMACOF algorithm if not provided, will be found iteratively using targetPseudoRSq


seed to be set when launching SMACOF algorithm (e.g. when init is set to "random" but not only)


target pseudo RSquare to be reached (only used when nDim is set to NULL)


in case nDim is found iteratively, maximum number of dimensions the search procedure is allowed to explore


additional parameters passed to SMACOF algorithm


an object of S4 class MDS




# estimate scale transformations 
# and transform the whole OMIP021Samples

transList <- estimateScaleTransforms(
    ff = OMIP021Samples[[1]],
    fluoMethod = "estimateLogicle",
    scatterMethod = "linearQuantile",
    scatterRefMarker = "BV785 - CD3")

OMIP021Trans <- CytoPipeline::applyScaleTransforms(
# As there are only 2 samples in OMIP021Samples dataset,
# we create artificial samples that are random combinations of both samples

ffList <- c(
           FUN = function(i) {
                   seed = 10*i,
                   nTotalEvents = 5000)[,1:22]

fsNames <- c("Donor1", "Donor2", paste0("Agg",1:3))
names(ffList) <- fsNames

fsAll <- as(ffList,"flowSet")

flowCore::pData(fsAll)$type <- factor(c("real", "real", rep("synthetic", 3)))
flowCore::pData(fsAll)$grpId <- factor(c("D1", "D2", rep("Agg", 3)))

# calculate all pairwise distances

pwDist <- pairwiseEMDDist(fsAll, 
                             channels = c("FSC-A", "SSC-A"),
                             verbose = FALSE)

# compute Metric MDS object with explicit number of dimensions
mdsObj <- computeMetricMDS(pwDist, nDim = 4, seed = 0)

dim <- nDim(mdsObj) # should be 4

#' # compute Metric MDS object by reaching a target pseudo RSquare
mdsObj2 <- computeMetricMDS(pwDist, seed = 0, targetPseudoRSq = 0.999)