
autoPOTS (Liang et al. (2020)) is an acquisition protocol for label-free mass spectrometry (MS)-based single-cell proteomics (SCP). It relies on commercial material and is meant to be widely adopted and applied. Its development derives from the nanoPOTS technology (Zhu et al. (2018)) that uses custom-built instruments that are hardly transferable to other laboratories. Therefore, autoPOTS is the first attempt to provide a reproducible label-free SCP acquisition workflow.

While many efforts are put on a reproducible technology, the authors do not address the reproducibility of the downstream data analysis. We here tackle this issue by showing that the scp package can be used to manipulate and process the data. We improve upon the results shown in the article and demonstrate that scp is a keystone for principled and rigorous data exploration.

Running this vignette requires the SCP.replication package:


scp workflow and data structure

The data processing workflow we carry out in this vignette is inferred from the methods section of the paper. Since no reproducible data analysis script was provided, we are not able to accurately evaluate the accuracy of the replication of the results. We will rely on Figure S5 to assess the replication. This vignette will also extend the results to better assess the quality of the provided data.

To run the vignette you will need the following packages:

scpdata and the autoPOTS dataset

The authors provided 4 data sets related to the article:

  1. HeLa samples containing 0, 1, 10, 150 and 500 cells. Peptides and proteins were identified and quantified using MaxQuant.
  2. HeLa samples containing 0, 1, 10, 150 and 500 cells. Peptides and proteins were identified using FragPipe.
  3. HeLa samples containing 0, 10, 100 and 500 cells. Peptides and proteins were identified using FragPipe.
  4. Lymphocyte samples containing 10 cells. Peptides and proteins were identified using FragPipe.

Since no quantification data is available for the FragPipe data sets, we here only use the MaxQuant output. We retrieved the data from the PXD021882 repository. We formatted the data to a QFeatures object following the scp data format (more information can be found in the scp vignette). This formatted data is available directly from the scpdata package (Vanderaa and Gatto (2022)):

autoPOTS <- liang2020_hela()

The data contain 17 different SingleCellExperiment objects that we refer to as assays. Each assay contains expression data along with feature metadata. Each row in an assay represents a feature that can either be a PSM, a peptide or a protein depending on the assay. Each column in an assay represents a sample. Below, we show the overview of the autoPOTS dataset.

## An instance of class QFeatures containing 17 assays:
##  [1] HeLa_0cell_B16: SingleCellExperiment with 1153 rows and 1 columns 
##  [2] HeLa_0cell_B18: SingleCellExperiment with 1214 rows and 1 columns 
##  [3] HeLa_0cell_B4: SingleCellExperiment with 1366 rows and 1 columns 
##  ...
##  [15] HeLa_500cell_K8: SingleCellExperiment with 35054 rows and 1 columns 
##  [16] peptides: SingleCellExperiment with 48705 rows and 15 columns 
##  [17] proteins: SingleCellExperiment with 3970 rows and 15 columns

15 out of the 17 assays are PSM data, each assay corresponding to a separate MS run. Since LFQ acquisitions contain a single sample per MS run, those 15 assays contain a single column. The dataset also contains a peptides assay and a proteins assay that hold peptide and protein level information,respectively. Those assays were produced by the authors after running MaxQuant.

The data set also contains samples annotations that can be retrieved from the colData of the QFeatures object. The annotation contains the exact number of HeLa cells in each sample, but also additional information about cell type, sample preparation method, or MS2 settings.

## DataFrame with 15 rows and 9 columns
##                              Raw.file   nbCells  SampleType IsolationMethod
##                           <character> <integer> <character>     <character>
## HeLa_0cell_B16_sample   HeLa_0cell...         0        HeLa      micromanip
## HeLa_0cell_B18_sample   HeLa_0cell...         0        HeLa      micromanip
## HeLa_0cell_B4_sample    HeLa_0cell...         0        HeLa      micromanip
## HeLa_10cell_G4_sample   HeLa_10cel...        10        HeLa      micromanip
## HeLa_10cell_G8_sample   HeLa_10cel...        10        HeLa      micromanip
## ...                               ...       ...         ...             ...
## HeLa_1cell_E14_sample   HeLa_1cell...         1        HeLa      micromanip
## HeLa_1cell_F8_sample    HeLa_1cell...         1        HeLa      micromanip
## HeLa_500cell_J5_sample  HeLa_500ce...       466        HeLa        dilution
## HeLa_500cell_K16_sample HeLa_500ce...       520        HeLa        dilution
## HeLa_500cell_K8_sample  HeLa_500ce...       540        HeLa        dilution
##                         MS2exclusionTime_s MS2accumulationTime_ms MS2resolution
##                                  <integer>              <integer>     <integer>
## HeLa_0cell_B16_sample                   90                    500         60000
## HeLa_0cell_B18_sample                   90                    500         60000
## HeLa_0cell_B4_sample                    90                    500         60000
## HeLa_10cell_G4_sample                   90                    250         60000
## HeLa_10cell_G8_sample                   90                    250         60000
## ...                                    ...                    ...           ...
## HeLa_1cell_E14_sample                   90                    500         60000
## HeLa_1cell_F8_sample                    90                    500         60000
## HeLa_500cell_J5_sample                  60                     50         30000
## HeLa_500cell_K16_sample                 60                     50         30000
## HeLa_500cell_K8_sample                  60                     50         30000
##                            MS2AGC QuantificationColumn
##                         <integer>          <character>
## HeLa_0cell_B16_sample        5000            Intensity
## HeLa_0cell_B18_sample        5000            Intensity
## HeLa_0cell_B4_sample         5000            Intensity
## HeLa_10cell_G4_sample       10000            Intensity
## HeLa_10cell_G8_sample       10000            Intensity
## ...                           ...                  ...
## HeLa_1cell_E14_sample        5000            Intensity
## HeLa_1cell_F8_sample         5000            Intensity
## HeLa_500cell_J5_sample      10000            Intensity
## HeLa_500cell_K16_sample     10000            Intensity
## HeLa_500cell_K8_sample      10000            Intensity

To facilitate later analysis, we will group the cell numbers in bins of 0, 1, 10, 150 and 500 cells. Therefore, we add a new variable in the colData containing this grouping.

group <- colData(autoPOTS)$nbCells
group[group > 130 & group < 170] <- 150
group[group > 450] <- 500
colData(autoPOTS)$group <- as.factor(group)
##   0   1  10 150 500 
##   3   3   3   3   3

We remove the peptides and proteins to keep only the PSM data. We can subset a QFeatures object using the simple bracket operation. The desired elements/assays can be selected following the [row, col, assay] syntax.

autoPOTS <- autoPOTS[, , 1:15]

Process the data

In this section, we perform data processing as described in the methods section. This consist of two steps: i) removing reverse hits, peptides flagged as contaminants and keep only unmodified peptides, ii) replace missing data by NA. We will also load another data set containing data generated by nanoPOTS to compare the efficiency of autoPOTS against its parent technology. The nanoPOTS data will be processed in a similar way.


We start by filtering out undesired PSMs. Each PSM assay contains feature meta-information that are stored in the rowData of the assay. The QFeatures package allows to quickly filter the rows of an assay by using these information. The available variables in the rowData are listed below for each assay.

## CharacterList of length 15
## [["HeLa_0cell_B16"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_0cell_B18"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_0cell_B4"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_10cell_G4"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_10cell_G8"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_10cell_H2"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_150cell_I12"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_150cell_I16"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_150cell_I18"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## [["HeLa_1cell_E12"]] Sequence Length ... Best.MS.MS
## ...
## <5 more elements>

Among those feature variable are Reverse, Potential.contaminant and Modifications that allow to filter for peptides that are not matched to a reversed sequence, that are not matched to a contaminant peptide and that are unmodified, respectively. We can perform this on the QFeatures object by using the filterFeatures function. The filters can be directly applied to the rowData variables of each assay.

autoPOTS <- filterFeatures(autoPOTS, 
                           ~ Reverse != "+" & 
                               Potential.contaminant != "+" &
                               Modifications == "Unmodified")

Then, we replace zero values by NA to explicitly encode the missing data. This is performed using the zeroisNA function.

autoPOTS <- zeroIsNA(autoPOTS, names(autoPOTS))


In the article, the authors compare their recent results to the nanoPOTS results published in 2018 (Zhu et al. (2018)). This data is readily available in scpdata. The data set contains several types of samples: blanks, HeLa lysates, HeLa cells, MCF7 cells and THP1 cells. We will only keep the HeLa cells and the blanks.

nanoPOTS <- zhu2018NC_hela()
nanoPOTS <- nanoPOTS[, nanoPOTS$SampleType %in% c("Hela", "Blank"), ]
## An instance of class QFeatures containing 2 assays:
##  [1] peptides: SingleCellExperiment with 37795 rows and 12 columns 
##  [2] proteins: SingleCellExperiment with 3984 rows and 12 columns

Note that the PSM quantification data is not available for the autoPOTS, but this is not an issue since we will mainly focus on peptide or protein information. We perform the same data cleaning as for autoPOTS.

nanoPOTS <- filterFeatures(nanoPOTS, 
                           ~ Reverse != "+" & 
                               Potential.contaminant != "+")
nanoPOTS <- zeroIsNA(nanoPOTS, names(nanoPOTS))

To further make the two data sets comparable, we remove observations that were identified using match between run, because this option was disabled for autoPOTS.

matchTypeCols <- 
    grep("Identification.type.Hela", colnames(rowData(nanoPOTS[[1]])))
isMBR <- as.matrix(rowData(nanoPOTS[[1]])[, matchTypeCols]) == "By matching"
assay(nanoPOTS[[1]])[isMBR] <- NA

Finally, just like for the autoPOTS dataset, we bin the cell numbers into groups.

group <- colData(nanoPOTS)$nbCells
group[group > 130 & group < 145] <- 140
group[group > 30 & group < 50] <- 40
group[group > 9 & group < 15] <- 10
colData(nanoPOTS)$group <- as.factor(group)
##   0  10  40 140 
##   3   3   3   3

Unfortunately, no true single-cell is available from this dataset, but sample still contain very low amounts of cells.

Feature counts

The feature counts are the only results that are shown for the HeLa data set. Since we are using the quantifications generated by MaxQuant, we can relate to Figure S5.

Figure S5 from Liang et al. 2020.

Figure S5 from Liang et al. 2020.

We count the unique number of peptides and proteins for each data set using the countUniqueFeatures from the Qfeatures package. To perform this, we need to supply the grouping variables. Peptides are identified by Sequence (i.e the peptide sequence) and proteins are identified by Leading.razor.protein. Note that the features are counted from the PSM data for the autoPOTS dataset, we therefore supply all the assay names to the function.

## Count peptides
autoPOTS <- countUniqueFeatures(autoPOTS, 
                                i = names(autoPOTS), 
                                groupBy = "Sequence",
                                colDataName = "Peptide_counts")
nanoPOTS <- countUniqueFeatures(nanoPOTS, 
                                i = "peptides", 
                                groupBy = "Sequence",
                                colDataName = "Peptide_counts")
## Count proteins
autoPOTS <- countUniqueFeatures(autoPOTS, 
                                i = names(autoPOTS), 
                                groupBy = "Leading.razor.protein",
                                colDataName = "Protein_counts")
nanoPOTS <- countUniqueFeatures(nanoPOTS, 
                                i = "peptides", 
                                groupBy = "Leading.razor.protein",
                                colDataName = "Protein_counts")

Compare autoPOTs and nanoPOTS

We combine the sample data (colData) from the two data sets. We then use ggplot2 to plot the peptides and protein counts for each data set.

df <- rbind(colData(autoPOTS) %>% 
                data.frame %>% 
                dplyr::select(Protein_counts, Peptide_counts, 
                              nbCells, group) %>% 
                mutate(dataset = "autoPOTS"),
            colData(nanoPOTS) %>% 
                data.frame %>% 
                dplyr::select(Protein_counts, Peptide_counts, 
                              nbCells, group) %>% 
                mutate(dataset = "nanoPOTS")) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = ends_with("counts"))
## Plot
ggplot(df) +
    aes(y = value, 
        x = group) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_text(data = . %>%
                  group_by(group, dataset, name) %>%
                  summarise(mean = mean(value),
                            group = unique(group),
                            y = max(value) + 1000),
              aes(y = y,
                  label = round(mean))) +
    facet_wrap(name ~ dataset, scales = "free")

Watch out: this plot as well as the figure in the paper give the false impression of a linear increase. This is because the number of cells is treated as a factor and all categories are separated using an equal width. Let’s redo the bottom right plot, but using the cell as a numeric variable, hence using a numeric scale.

df %>% 
    data.frame %>% 
    ggplot() +
    aes(x = nbCells,
        y = value,
        colour = dataset) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ poly(x, 2)) +
    facet_wrap(~ name, scales = "free_y")

The relationship between number of cells and detected features is highly non-linear and the decreased performance of autoPOTS compared to nanoPOTS is easier to assess.

Protein detection

In the autoPOTS data set

In Figure S5, the authors use a Venn diagram to show the overlap between the sets of proteins identified at different cell concentrations. While very intuitive, we dig a little bit deeper by providing an upset plot. Although upset plots are harder to read, they contain more information and make comparison between sets much easier.

First, we format the QFeatures object to a long DataFrame using the longFormat function. This will take the quantifications matrix and turn it in a single vector, and add the desired feature and sample metadata. We also add a dataset identifier for later use.

lfauto <- longFormat(autoPOTS[, ,grepl("HeLa", names(autoPOTS))],
                     colvars = c("nbCells", "group"),
                     rowvars = "Leading.razor.protein")
lfauto$dataset <- "autoPOTS"

We then build the upset plot using the functionality from upsetR.

lt <- fromList(split(lfauto$Leading.razor.protein, 
                     paste(lfauto$group, "cells - autoPOTS")))
      nsets = 5, = "freq", 
      nintersects = 15,
      keep.order = TRUE,
      mainbar.y.label = "Proteins in intersection", 
      sets.x.label = "Proteins",
      mb.ratio = c(0.4,0.6))

Several observations can be drawn from this graph:

  • The largest common set is found between 10, 150 and 500 cells, but it does not include single-cells
  • A great majority of the proteins are found in the 500 cell samples this indicates that working with smaller sample sizes cover a fraction of the bulk proteome.
  • There are 269 proteins found in all sample excluding blanks, and there are 177 proteins found in all sample including blanks. This indicates that about 40 % of the proteins found in single-cells are potentially caused by background signal (contamination by culture media or during sample processing).

autoPOTS against nanoPOTS

We will now compare to what extend the results obtained using the autoPOTS technology are consistent with the previous data acquired using the nanoPOTS technology. Similarly to the autoPOTS data set, we format the nanoPOTS in a long table.

lfnano <- longFormat(nanoPOTS[, ,"peptides"],
                     colvars = c("nbCells", "group"),
                     rowvars = "Leading.razor.protein")
lfnano$dataset <- "nanoPOTS"

We combine the long tables for the two data sets in a single table.

rbind(lfnano, lfauto) %>% 
    data.frame %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    DataFrame ->

In order to compare the coverage between the two datasets, we keep only samples between 10 and 150 cells (common in both experimental designs). We then create the upset plot.

lfsub <- lf[lf$nbCells >= 1 & lf$nbCells <= 150, ]
lt <- fromList(c(split(lfsub$Leading.razor.protein, lfsub$dataset)))
      sets = names(lt), = "freq", 
      mainbar.y.label = "Proteins in intersection", 
      sets.x.label = "Proteins in sample",
      mb.ratio = c(0.4,0.6))

The majority of the proteins (2300 out of 3721) are consistently found by autoPOTS and nanoPOTS. A significant number of proteins are found only by the nanoPOTS protocol. This is probably due to its increase sensitivity compared to autoPOTS. Finally, a few proteins are only found using the nanoPOTS technology.

Robustness of the detection

In the previous sections, we have seen that more proteins are identified in samples with more cells. In this section, we explore how robust the identification are across samples with the same number of cells. We focus on the autoPOTs data set only.

In 500-cell samples

We take again the autoPOTS data formatted as a long table, and subset only data points that were acquired in 500-cell samples. We make the upset plot to assess the consistency of the protein identification across those samples.

lt <- lfauto[lfauto$nbCells %in% 450:550, ]
lt <- fromList(split(lt$Leading.razor.protein, lt$colname))
      nsets = 17, = "freq", 
      nintersects = 30,
      keep.order = TRUE,
      mainbar.y.label = "Proteins in intersection", 
      sets.x.label = "Proteins",
      mb.ratio = c(0.4,0.6))

Almost 90% of the proteins are found among all 3 samples. This is shows that the protein detection and identification is highly consistent across samples.

In single-cells

We apply the same procedure for single-cell samples.

lt <- lfauto[lfauto$nbCells == 1, ]
lt <- fromList(split(lt$Leading.razor.protein, lt$colname))
      nsets = 17, = "freq", 
      nintersects = 30,
      keep.order = TRUE,
      mainbar.y.label = "Proteins in intersection", 
      sets.x.label = "Proteins",
      mb.ratio = c(0.4,0.6))

The results for single-cell samples are very different from the results shown above for 500-cell samples. For each single-cell sample, about 50 % of the identified proteins were also found in the two other samples. However, about a third of the proteins are only found in one of the single-cell samples, indicating a high variability in detection rates between single-cell samples. There are two possible explanations:

  • Technical missingness: protein concentrations are too low in single-cell samples so that only a part of the most expressed proteins are detectable. This is subjected to stochastic effects (MS selection, heterogeneity of expression,…) that lead to different sets of identified proteins.
  • Biological missingness: the inherent heterogeneity in single cells leads to the expression of different, but biologically meaningful, sets of proteins. The more cells are contained in a sample, the more diluted this heterogeneity is.

The most probable scenario is that there is a combination of the two types of missingness. However, it is not trivial to decouple technical and biological missingness. Synthetic samples are required to better assess which component of the missingness are more prominent.

In blanks

Applying the same exploration to blank samples allows to assess the background detection. Be it either due to technical contamination, computational artefacts (during peptide identification) or contamination from the culture environment.

lt <- lfauto[lfauto$nbCells == 0, ]
lt <- fromList(split(lt$Leading.razor.protein, lt$colname))
      nsets = 17, = "freq", 
      nintersects = 30,
      keep.order = TRUE,
      mainbar.y.label = "Proteins in intersection", 
      sets.x.label = "Proteins",
      mb.ratio = c(0.4,0.6))

As expected, the most frequent protein sets are specific to one of the blank samples indicating inconsistent signal in the data. However, 49 proteins (out of 302) are consistently found across all blanks indicating background contamination that probably also occurs in the single-cell samples.

Quantification levels

Intensity distribution

data.frame(lfauto) %>% 
    ggplot() +
    aes(x = log10(value)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(~ group, scales = "free_y", nrow = 1) +

Intensity dependent identification

We expect that proteins that are expressed in all single-cells should be more expressed than proteins found in only in one or two cells or not found in single-cells. To assess this, we assume that the 500-cell samples approximate the population protein expression. We look at the median protein expression in those concentrated samples but separate the proteins based on the number of single-cells it was found in.

To plot this, we first need a table containing proteins found in single-cell samples and the number of single-cell samples in which each protein was found.

data.frame(lfauto) %>%
           nbCells == 1) %>% 
    group_by(Leading.razor.protein) %>% 
    summarise(n = length(unique(colname))) ->

Another interesting information to plot is whether a protein is also found in a blank sample. We therefore create a table containing only information about blank samples.

data.frame(lfauto) %>% 
           nbCells == 0) ->

Finally we create a table containing only information about the 500-cell samples, that we consider as bulk samples. We compute the median expression for each proteins across all 500-cell samples. We then join the single-cell table to include the number single-cell samples in which each protein was found. Finally, we also include the information about whether each protein was found in a blank samples or not.

data.frame(lfauto) %>% 
           nbCells %in% 450:550) %>% 
    group_by(colname, Leading.razor.protein) %>% 
    summarise(value = median(log10(value))) %>%
    left_join(scProts, by = "Leading.razor.protein") %>% 
    mutate(n = ifelse(, 0, n),
           foundInBlank = Leading.razor.protein %in% blankProts$Leading.razor.protein) ->

After this advanced data wrangling, we can plot the relationship between the median protein intensity in bulk samples and the number of single-cell samples that a protein is found in.

ggplot(df) +
    aes(y = value,
        x = n) +
    geom_jitter(aes(colour = foundInBlank),
                alpha = 0.5, width = 0.25) +
    geom_violin(aes(group = n), fill = "transparent") +
    geom_smooth(formula = "y ~ x", method = "lm") +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey", "red")) +
    ggtitle("Protein expression in 500-cell samples") +
    ylab("log10 median protein expression") +
    xlab("found in # single-cell samples")

As expected from technical missingness, proteins that are found in more single-cell samples are proteins that have a higher expression distribution in bulk samples. However, the top 100 most expressed proteins in bulk samples are found between no and 3 single-cell samples, meaning that the protein detection probability not solely depends on protein expression. A disappointing observation is that a protein that is found in more single-cell samples has a higher chance to be also found in blanks samples. A great majority of the proteins found in all 3 single-cell samples were also found in blank samples, indicating that the background signal consist of highly expressed proteins that might have been released in the medium during the cell culture (blanks consist of culture media without cells) or by carry over of sample material between successive MS runs.

Quantification variability

Because bottom-up proteomics reconstruct protein data from several peptide fragments, it is possible to assess the quantification accuracy for each protein by assessing the variability among its constituting peptides.

Number of peptides per proteins

First, we have a look at the distribution of the number of peptides that are associated to a protein and assess the impact of the amount of sample material.

data.frame(lfauto) %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    group_by(colname, Leading.razor.protein, group) %>% 
    summarise(n = n()) %>% 
    ggplot() +
    aes(x = n) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) +
    facet_grid(~ group) +
    xlim(c(0, 75)) +
    xlab("# peptides per protein")

Irrespective of the amount of sample material, the mode of the distribution is one, meaning that many proteins are identified based on a single peptide or a low number of peptides. As more sample material is analysed, the distribution tails towards more peptides per proteins.

Median CVs

The coefficient of variation (CV) is a measure of the variability of the peptide quantification for a protein. Using the medianCVperCell function, we can compute this for all proteins in all samples. The median CV in each sample is computed and added to the colData, here we name the new varaible medianCV. We only assess CVs for proteins with at least 5 peptides. Note that this means that the CV is computed for only for a few proteins for blank and single-cell proteins (see plot above).

autoPOTS <- medianCVperCell(autoPOTS, 
                            i = grep("HeLa", names(autoPOTS)),
                            groupBy = "Leading.razor.protein",
                            nobs = 5, 
                            colDataName = "MedianCV")

We plot the computed median CVs per sample against the number of cells per sample. The required data are immediately available in the colData.

colData(autoPOTS) %>% 
    data.frame %>%  
    ggplot() +
    aes(x = group, 
        y = MedianCV) +

Interestingly, the sample amount does not seem to influence the quantification variability.

Assess the nature of the proteins

Sections below are work in progress

Up to now, we saw that single-cells and

universe <- rbindRowData(autoPOTS, i = grep("HeLa", names(autoPOTS)))
universe <- unique(universe$Leading.razor.protein)

In many cells samples

Biological process

common500 <- rbindRowData(autoPOTS, i = grep("500", names(autoPOTS)))
common500 <- unique(common500$Leading.razor.protein)
go_500 <- enrichGO(gene = common500,
                   OrgDb =,
                   keyType = "UNIPROT",
                   ont = "BP",
                   pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                   pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                   universe = keys(, "UNIPROT"),
                   qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                   minGSSize = 50,
                   maxGSSize = 200,
                   readable = FALSE,
                   pool = FALSE)
dotplot(go_500, showCategory = Inf)

Cellular compartment

go_blank_CC <- enrichGO(gene = common500,
                        OrgDb =,
                        keyType = "UNIPROT",
                        ont = "CC",
                        pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                        pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                        # universe = keys(, "UNIPROT"),
                        universe = universe,
                        qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                        minGSSize = 200,
                        maxGSSize = 1000,
                        readable = FALSE,
                        pool = FALSE)
dotplot(go_blank_CC, showCategory = Inf)

In blanks

This indicates contamination by skin cells? Let

Biological process

common0 <- rbindRowData(autoPOTS, i = grep("_0cell", names(autoPOTS)))
common0 <- unique(common0$Leading.razor.protein)
go_blank <- enrichGO(gene = common0,
                     OrgDb =,
                     keyType = "UNIPROT",
                     ont = "BP",
                     pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                     pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                     universe = keys(, "UNIPROT"),
                     qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                     minGSSize = 50,
                     maxGSSize = 200,
                     readable = FALSE,
                     pool = FALSE)
dotplot(go_blank, showCategory = Inf)

Cellular component

go_blank_CC <- enrichGO(gene = common0,
                        OrgDb =,
                        keyType = "UNIPROT",
                        ont = "CC",
                        pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                        pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                        # universe = keys(, "UNIPROT"),
                        universe = universe,
                        qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                        minGSSize = 200,
                        maxGSSize = 1000,
                        readable = FALSE,
                        pool = FALSE)
dotplot(go_blank_CC, showCategory = Inf)

In single-cells

commonSC <- rbindRowData(autoPOTS, i = grep("_1cell", names(autoPOTS)))
commonSC <- unique(commonSC$Leading.razor.protein)
go_sc <- enrichGO(gene = commonSC,
                  OrgDb =,
                  keyType = "UNIPROT",
                  ont = "BP",
                  pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                  pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                  universe = universe,
                  qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                  minGSSize = 50,
                  maxGSSize = 200,
                  readable = FALSE,
                  pool = FALSE)
dotplot(go_sc, showCategory = 20)


This vignette reproduces the observations provided for Figure S5 in Liang et al. (2020). However, we have pushed the data exploration further and showed that looking at the number of detected features is not sufficient to demonstrate the quality of the data. We here argue that looking at the overlap of identified protein within and between experimental groups (number of cells per sample) provide a better understanding of the data structure, namely an increase of the protein detection variability when the number of cells decreases.

The increase in detection variability is the consequence of technical and biological processes. The development of synthetic ground truth data sets are required to decouple the two processes and assess the importance of one process with respect to the other. This will allow to highlight the room for improvement for new MS-SCP technologies.

TODO add paragraph: single-cell signal ~ blank signal -> list arguments => is autoPOTS really working for sc samples?

Finally, this vignette also provides a demonstration that using the scp data framework is ideal for the manipulation and visualization of MS-SCP data. The longFormat output that is used throughout this vignette can be plugged in to powerful visualization tools such as ggplot2 or upsetR. This allowed an in-depth exploration of the data and hence we could highlight some aspect of the data that were overlook in the original paper.

Reproduce this vignette

You can reproduce this vignette using Docker:

docker pull cvanderaa/scp_replication_docker:v1
docker run \
    -e PASSWORD=bioc \
    -p 8787:8787 \

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8787. The USER is rstudio and the password is bioc. You can find the vignette in the vignettes folder.

See the website home page for more information.


Hardware and software

The system details of the machine that built the vignette are:


The total time required to compile this vignette is:


The final scp memory size is:

Session info


This vignette is distributed under a CC BY-SA licence licence.


Liang, Yiran, Hayden Acor, Michaela A McCown, Andikan J Nwosu, Hannah Boekweg, Nathaniel B Axtell, Thy Truong, Yongzheng Cong, Samuel H Payne, and Ryan T Kelly. 2020. “Fully Automated Sample Processing and Analysis Workflow for Low-Input Proteome Profiling.” Anal. Chem., December.
Vanderaa, Christophe, and Laurent Gatto. 2022. “The Current State of Single-Cell Proteomics Data Analysis,” October.
Zhu, Ying, Paul D Piehowski, Rui Zhao, Jing Chen, Yufeng Shen, Ronald J Moore, Anil K Shukla, et al. 2018. “Nanodroplet Processing Platform for Deep and Quantitative Proteome Profiling of 10-100 Mammalian Cells.” Nat. Commun. 9 (1): 882.