Learning Objectives
Learn programming concepts, including
When the size and the complexity of the data increases, or the data science question of interest becomes more complex, the data analysis techniques as we have seen them so far need to be complemented with programming techniques. From a data science point of view, there is no clear delimitation between data analysis and (data) programming, both morphing into each other19 A fundamental difference however is how data analysis and programming are taught. When it comes to researchers, and biomedical researchers in particular, teaching programming to analyse data isn’t successful. Teaching data analysis to eventually programme with data, however, has proven a successful strategy..
This chapter will introduce some additional programming skills and demonstrate how to use them in the context of high troughput omics data.
Writing clean code means writing easily readable code, hence easily understandable code and, eventually code with less bugs. One easy way to achieve this is through consistency, i.e. stick to a style guide. The issue is that there are several style guides available, often with conflicting suggestions. Two widely used ones are the Bioconductor style guide and Hadley Wickhams’s R Style Guide. The advice from for naming variables seen in the first and second chapters are also relevant.
Here are a couple of suggestions:
to assign variables. Use =
is also valid, but make sure
that you stick with one.camelCaseNaming
) of snake case
), and avoid using dots (don’t use
). These conventions apply to functions,
variables and files (for the latter, a -
instead of _
is also
, and resist the temptation to
use T
and F
instead20 TRUE
are reserved words; one can’t use them as
variable names. This however doesn’t hold for T
and F
. One can use
and F
as regular variable names such, as for example,
and F <- TRUE
!.Another good advise is to avoid re-writing the same code many times. We will see below two strategies to do that, namely iteration and writing new functions. This firstly reduces the amount of code typed and hence the number of bugs, but more importantly enables consistency. If something in your code changes, there’s only one change and it applies everywhere, rather than doing that same change repeatedly (at the first of adding bugs and to miss some updates).
When writing code, keep it simple and short21 The official motto is KISS, keep your functions simple, stupid, widely used in programming.. Ideally, the code should be evident. But when the questions tackled are not trivial, is becomes essential to add comments to clarify aspects of the script/program. Make sure to use them to describe why something is done, rather than explaining how things are done (which is tyically best done by the code itself).
A general guideline to avoid bugs is to apply defensive programming:
Here are some examples of how to do this:
use functions like is.numeric(x)
, is.character(x)
, … but make sure that the variable you are
going to use is of the expected type.
Make sure the length or dimensions of what you are going to use are what you expect:
, so that if
they fail, you get immediately an error, rather than risking that
you code fails later with obscure error messages or, worse, the code
runs to completion but returns meaningless results.Iteration describes the situtation when a specific operation has to be
repeated many times on different inputs of the same type. For example,
if we have a vector of numeric x
shown below,
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and we wanted to apply the logarithm operation on each element of x
it wouldn’t be convenient to type
The concept of iteration allows us to program the following command:
for each value of my inputx
or more formally
takes in turn each value of my inputx
We will see different ways of implementing such an iteration.
## [1] 0
## [1] 0.6931472
## [1] 1.098612
## [1] 1.386294
## [1] 1.609438
## [1] 1.791759
## [1] 1.94591
## [1] 2.079442
## [1] 2.197225
## [1] 2.302585
The loop above only prints the results on screen. They aren’t stored
and are lost for any further re-use, which would be very annoying if
it took much more time to perform all the calculations. In the code
chunk below, we are going to first inititalise a vector with the
appropriate number of NA
values and, at each iteration, we then
store the result. We however now need to change our loop and iterate
of the indices of the input vector, so that we can re-use these
indices to save the results in the output vector.
## [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101
## [8] 2.0794415 2.1972246 2.3025851
The apply family of functions implements our defintion of iteration quite literally
for each value of my inputx
is reformulated as
For each value of my input
, applylog
and coded as
## [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101
## [8] 2.0794415 2.1972246 2.3025851
There are three such function that apply a function iteratively:
iterates over a vector and returns a new vector of the same
length as the input vector22 This is a simplification of how sapply
that is partly defined by the the simplify
argument and whether
the result of applying the function on each element of the input
can be returned as a vector. The alternative is to return a
, like lapply
iterates over a linear input (a vector of a list) and
returns a list of the same length as the input.
iterates of the rows or the columns of a data.frame
and returns a list or vector or approritate length (number
of rows or columns). The dimension over which the iterations
proceeds is defined by the second argument, where 1
defines rows
and 2
defined columns23 This generalises to arrays with more than 2 dimensions..
When performing the same operations in different ways (using different
implementations), it is essential to verify that the results are
identical or, if not, at least compatible. The most direct way to do
the former is to use the identical
## [1] TRUE
The purrr
package a set of map
functions similar to the apply
set described above.
We must not forget the obvious, which is vectorisation. Many R functions work by default iteratively on every element of a vectors, i.e. they work irrespectively whether the vector is of length 124 A vector of length 1 would be called a scalar in other programming languages. or longer.
## [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101
## [8] 2.0794415 2.1972246 2.3025851
And, as before, we check that we obtain identical results:
## [1] TRUE
Even though they produce the same result, the iteration strategies above aren’t equal, and some should be preferred in different situations.
When a vectorised solution exists, this is the one that should be chosen. It is by far the fastest solution, but only applicable to existing vectorised functions. If you were to write your own function to iterate over, it is advisable to write a vectorised function.
The apply functions are extremely convenient and concise, and hence widely used. They have a couple of advantages, including that there is no need to explicitly initialise a result variable and that they can easily be parallelised.
For loops are the most generic solution for iteration, and they
require to initialise the result variable that will be populated
during the loop. As opposed to popular belief, they aren’t slower
than using apply functions. They are however the best solution if,
during the iteration, one has the access another element than the
one currently processed (typically, if i
is the counter, accessing
i + 1
or i - 1
► Question
Use the expressions.csv()
function from the rWSBIM1207
package to
get the path to 5 csv files containing gene expression data
for a single gene and hundreds of patience. Read all data in and
combine them into a single dataframe.
Before starting, open at least two of these files to familiarise yourself with their structure and identify how and with what function they need to be combined.
► Solution
When an operation has to be executed when a condition is met, one
typically uses a if
and else
} else {
For examples
## [1] -0.6264538
## [1] -0.4676802
But note that in the example above, it would be much better to
simplify the code and use the absolute value of x
before taking the
log, which will generalise the calculation for positive and negative
values …
## [1] -0.4676802
… and works for vectors of any length thanks to vectorisation.
## [1] -1.6947599 -0.1795710 0.4670498 -1.1101553 -0.1978799 -0.7186105
## [7] -0.3033716 -0.5520273 -1.1861709 0.4132885
There are also in-line, vectorised versions of the if/else
statements seen above: the ifelse
function that ships with the
package, and if_else
from dplyr
. Both work similarly (the
differences are beyond the scope of this course) and have the form:
if_else(condition, true, false)
is the condition to be tested, and will return
either TRUE
is the expression that is executed if the condition is
is the expression that is executed otherwise (i.e if the
condition is FALSE
).Here is an example, that will return 1 if x
is strictly positive,
and 0 otherwise:
## [1] 1
The function being vectorised, the condition can be a vector of length greater than 1:
## [1] 0.38984324 -0.62124058 -2.21469989 1.12493092 -0.04493361 -0.01619026
## [7] 0.94383621 0.82122120 0.59390132 0.91897737
## [1] 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
The vectorised conditional functions can directly be used in a standard data analysis pipeline:
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
## x y
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 a -0.626
## 2 b 0.184
## 3 c -0.836
## 4 d 1.60
## 5 e 0.330
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
## x y z
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 a -0.626 0
## 2 b 0.184 1
## 3 c -0.836 0
## 4 d 1.60 1
## 5 e 0.330 1
A function is composed of a name, inputs (inside the parenthesis), a
body (between curly brackets) and an ouput (last statement or variably
inside the return
my_fun <- function(x, y) {
message("First input: ", x)
message("Second input: ", y)
z <- x * abs(y)
my_fun(2, -5)
## First input: 2
## Second input: -5
## [1] 10
► Question
Complete the following function. It is supposed to take two inputs,
and y
and, depending whether the x > y
or x <= y
, it generates
the permutation sample(x, y)
in the first case or draws a sample
from rnorm(1000, x, y)
in the second case. Finally, it returns the
sum of all values.
fun <- function(x, y) {
res <- NA
if ( ) {
res <- sample(, )
} else {
res <- rnorm(, , )
To check your answer, run it with inputs 5, 15 and 15, 5, after
setting the random number generator to 1 each time with set.seed(1)
and you should get 4825.2778709 and 23.
► Solution
One skill that comes handy more often than not is the ability to find
patterns in text and replace these. We are going to see two functions
out of many to perform such tasks. As an illustration, we are going to
mine a vector or peptides identified by mass spectrometry. The data
can be loaded from the rWSBIM1207
## [1] 26796
## [1] "aAAGEAk" "VTEEAk" "aSGDPGk" "sAAAEAk" "aANAEGk" "aAAEEAR"
?## [1] 1 7026 17140 21912 23423 24947 25257 26658
## [1] "aAAGEAk" "VTEEAk" "aSGDPGk" "sAAAEAk" "aANAEGk" "aAAEEAR"
## [1] "aAAGEAk" "VTEEAk" "aSGDPGk" "sAAXXAk" "aANXXGk" "aAXXEAR"
But careful that sub
only replaced the first occurrence in a string!
## [1] "aAAGEAk" "VTEEAk" "aSGDPGk" "sAAAEAk" "aANAEGk" "aAAEEAR"
## [1] "aXAGEAk" "VTEEXk" "aSGDPGk" "sXAAEAk" "aXNAEGk" "aXAEEAR"
## [1] "aXXGEXk" "VTEEXk" "aSGDPGk" "sXXXEXk" "aXNXEGk" "aXXEEXR"
This exercise recapitulates the most important material that we have
seen in this course. We are going to analyse the student tests A and B
results using functionality from the dplyr
package (seen in chapter
5). The student test files are available in the
package (the interroA.csv
and interroB.csv
return their respective paths). We want to compare how the male and
female students in groups A and B have performed. To do this, we want
to calculate the mean scores and visualise the score distributions in
each groups.
► Question
Before writing any code to answer the questions above, take a couple of minutes to think about what packages are needed to answer the questions above and identify the individual steps needed to first prepare the data needed to find the answers and then to produce the answers.
and tidyverse
package, to get
all the functionality we will need.► Solution
and interroB.csv()
functions from the
package, create a vector containing the two csv file
names.► Solution
► Solution
to interro4
).► Solution
to interro4
) and in each group (A and B).► Solution
► Solution
► Question
► Question
Write functions that convert temperatures:
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